Member-only story
What Is Imposter Syndrome
And how to overcome it.
Most of us have been there before. We’re about to take a big risk, do something out of the ordinary, finally follow our dreams then, out of nowhere this little voice pipes up.
You can’t do this. You aren’t good enough for this. You don’t deserve success in this.
Where did it come from? Because no one said it to you. Yet it persists. It follows you around. It finds its home and gets comfortable in the depths of your consciousness.
So you don’t end up taking that risk or trying something out of the norm. Because now you know you can’t do it.
Or you do try, but only half-assed so you’re not too disappointed when it doesn’t work out.
All because of that little voice.
The voice of Imposter Syndrome.
Why do we let it take over?
Doing that one thing you’ve always dreamed of doing isn’t actually all that easy for most of us. And if we already believe we can’t do it it’s much easier to just not try at all.
But, imposter syndrome is just a thought pattern. We habitually think this way and our mind follows those assumptions. Challenging thought patterns are hard. Our…